Impact of NTZ treatment on NfL levels during pregnancy in Multiple Sclerosis, a retrospective analysis.
A comprehensive overview of social determinants of health among patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Italy.
Centro-later al thalamic nucleus ablation through magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound in the treatment of resistant neuropathic pain in MS patients
Assessing Melanoma Susceptibility Among Multiple Sclerosis Patients Under Various Disease-Modifying Therapies.
Opportunities for action: irvestigating body representation and body-space interaction in Multiple Sclerosis
Understanding different neuroradiological profiles between MS patients positive and negative for anti-MOG antibodies: a retrospective cohort study.
Network centrality and dynamics in cognitively or physically resilient multiple sclerosis patients: a functional MRI study.
Glymphatic system assessment in multiple sclerosis and idiopathic intracranial hypertension and association with sleep function